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F1 concept 2021


Formula 1, Ross Brawn presenta i concept delle auto del futuro: ecco come saranno nel 2021

L'obiettivo è incrementare la battaglia in pista e favorire i sorpassi. Il direttore amministrativo della Formula 1 Ross Brawn ha presentato i progetti per l'auto del futuro in vista del cambio del regolamento. Al progetto sta lavorando un 34enne italiano, Antonio Paglia...

Link Skysport F1:

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F1 concept

We’re already imagining a future without the F1 ‘halo’ system

By now, you’re likely aware that next year’s Formula 1 cars will grow a massive buttress to better protect drivers from errant wheels to the face. Seems like a noble enough goal, right?...

Link Top Gear:

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F1 concept 2021

Formula 1 chiefs recently revealed their vision of how grand prix machinery could look in 2021, and the images quickly went viral in the fan community. It’s a trifle unfortunate, then, that not only were these images not intended for such widespread dissemination, the cars are unlikely to look like this come 2021 anyway.

With this in mind, last year Liberty commissioned designer Antonio Paglia to help evolve some outline ideas that would form the basis of future rule changes...

Link Pressreader: › f1-racing-uk


Lotus Evil Concept

If you believe recent reports, Lotus is developing a powerful hypercar with Williams Advanced Engineering. Limited details about the car are known; however, if it looks anything like this, the British car manufacturer will have a winner on its hands...

Link Carscoops:


Alfa Romeo C18 Concept

Antonio Paglia introduces Alfa Romeo C18 concept car, featuring contrast of the elements. This cool sportscar features sensual and elegant forms with combination of “muscle” to create a unique body. We love that honeycomb pattern on the roof with black woven material that covers the rear part of the body, creating unique and iconic design...

Link Tuvie:


Tesla Model H - Helicopter

Tesla Helicopter concept is a study of a new electric helicopter. Smarter and more efficient than traditional helicopter, Tesla model H combines helicopter and drone technology. Four mini rotors help the driving maneuvers and make the flight more stable. The form take inspiration from biomorphic shapes and robotic shapes. The body is surrounded by an exoskeleton, like a ribbon. It accommodates rotors and acts as a structure.

Link Motivezine:

     © All Rights Reserved Antonio Paglia 

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The projects presented are protected by the Copyrights and this is forbidden to imitate in whole or in part.

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